Pool maintenance: DIY or Should you hire professionals?

Whether you are planning to add a new pool to your property or are planning to open up the existing one, the first question that comes to mind is how will you maintain the pool.

A swimming pool is your oasis at home. It is not just a beautiful escape but also helps in determining the value of your property. Pool maintenance is a very important aspect, which helps keep your pool safe for you to use. After all, who wants to swim in water filled with microbes, debris, and bugs?

This blog helps you decide between DIY or professional pool maintenance.

Read on to know more.

DIY or Pro: What’s the best way to maintain your pool?

Here are some important factors to consider before you decide to go the DIY way or hire professionals:

What will be the cost?

One of the most important factors that help you decide between DIY pool maintenance or hiring a pro is the cost. The costs usually depend on:

The size of the pool

  • Where is it located in the house?
  • What kind of a pool is it?
  • How often is it used?
  • Does it have any added features like lighting or seating?

If you need to do the basic cleaning, the supplies won’t cost much. And, of course, there will be no labor charges.

But, things such as filter replacement parts, chemicals, testing kits, etc. are more expensive and need to be purchased over time, which further adds to the cost.

If you hire a professional team to maintain your pool, the cost of these items will be included in the maintenance cost. This means that you don’t need to purchase these yourself. Getting professionals on board also saves you a lot of space that you would otherwise need to store stacks of these supplies.

How well will the pool be maintained in the long run?

We all can clean the floating leaves off the water’s surface, pool maintenance is much more than cleaning the water’s surface off debris. It goes much beyond this and involves:

  • Cleaning the interiors of the pool including the walls and the floor.
  • Polishing the handrails and ladders to prevent rusting.
  • Cleaning between the tiles.
  • Maintaining the correct water chemistry.
  • Filter repair and maintenance.
  • Vacuuming the pool.

This helps in keeping your pool’s water healthy and clean. Professionals have in-depth knowledge of the proper techniques and equipment necessary for your pool’s deep cleaning and maintenance.

Do you have enough time on your hands?

If you have had a pool at your house, you may know how to maintain it. However, keeping the pool in great shape needs both time and effort. You will need to set out time for regular cleaning sessions, fixing any sudden damages, and overall maintenance in the long run.

Most people can dedicate an hour per week to do a basic cleaning of their pool but this doesn’t include fixing the equipment or balancing the chemicals.

Hiring professionals to maintain your pool keeps you stress-free about having to take time out of your busy schedule and devote it to pool maintenance.

Professionals will also complete the same job in fewer hours leaving you with time and energy to spend on things that you love doing.

Are you confident about keeping the pool water safe?

One of the biggest components of keeping a well-maintained pool is that its water must be completely clean. While most pools are clean, sometimes germs can accumulate in the water if the pool stays busy or is not regularly cleaned using chemicals.

This may lead to health problems such as gastroenteritis and infections of the chest, eyes, and ears.

Not every pool owner is well-versed about how to maintain the pool’s chemical balance. Incorrect pool chemistry may lead to health problems too such as irritation in the eyes and ears due to the accumulation of bacteria and algae.

Pool maintenance professionals are experienced in knowing about the exact chemicals to be used and their ratios. They ensure that your pool water has a proper pH balance and is free of germs at all times.

Which one is better?

The decision of whether to maintain your pool yourself or hire a professional service is subjective. Considering factors such as the costs involved, the quality of the job, and the time it entails will mostly tell you that it is a job best left to the professionals. This will give you time to relax and enjoy the pool without worrying about the health of the people using it. The Pool Connect helps you hire the best pool maintenance professionals near you. All the pool contractors are screened stringently to help you enjoy the most professional services at affordable prices.